Tiffany Reisz

The official website of Tiffany Reisz, USA Today bestselling author of The Original Sinners series from Harlequin's Mira Books. It's not erotica until someone gets hurt.

Long Live The King! THE KING - Out Now in the US and Canada

Hello, Sinners!

When I was writing the first draft of The Siren oh-so many years ago, I envisioned Kingsley Edge, Mistress Nora's boss, as a mysterious shadowy figure you only heard but never saw. He would be like Charlie of Charlie's Angels.

But when Kingsley called Nora that first time and started speaking with his sexy French accent, I knew I couldn't keep the King of the Underground a secret.

I've gotten to know Kingsley through the first five books of the Original Sinners series, but it wasn't until I wrote The King that I fell in love with him. I hope you do too.

Sinfully yours,

Click HERE to buy a copy of THE KING

Click HERE to read an excerpt of THE KING

When you're finished reading THE KING, Kingsley and I would love it if you left a review somewhere (Amazon, BN, Goodreads, etc). Merci!

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