Tiffany Reisz

The official website of Tiffany Reisz, USA Today bestselling author of The Original Sinners series from Harlequin's Mira Books. It's not erotica until someone gets hurt.


The Confession of Marcus Stearns is a 40 page (10,000 word) novella. It takes place during the time of THE SAINT when Søren/Marcus Stearns is twenty-nine years old and has just met Eleanor/Nora. It was available as a free promo at the 2014 RT Booklovers Convention. Buy the eBook or trade paperback collection The Confessions here.

Read an excerpt below...

Father Ballard sat up straighter when he sensed a presence behind him. Smiling he glanced skyward again. “Stop paying attention to us,” he whispered in his mind, a prayer God was sure to answer with a hearty “no.” Where Father Marcus Stearns was concerned, God always paid attention.

When Ballard leaned his head back, the presence behind him leaned forward.

“Six months, Marcus,” Father Ballard said, tapping his wrist as if he were checking the time. “No one goes six months without sinning.”

“Do you have time for me today?”

“I might. What’s her name?” he asked, his usual joke when another priest approached him for confession. Ballard looked back and saw Marcus had his rosary beads wrapped around his fingers. Something about the way he held them, tight and nervous, made Ballard’s blood drop a degree or two in his veins.


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