Tiffany Reisz

The official website of Tiffany Reisz, USA Today bestselling author of The Original Sinners series from Harlequin's Mira Books. It's not erotica until someone gets hurt.

What Are You Writing, Tiffany?

THE VIRGIN, Original Sinners book 7.

If you follow me on Twitter (@tiffanyreisz) you'll notice me posting lines from my work-in-progress. The book I'm currently writing is Original Sinners book 7, tentatively titled THE VIRGIN. This is the third of the four prequel books that constitute THE WHITE YEARS. The book follows two important life-altering events in the history of our Sinners. At age 26, Nora ran away from Søren and spent some time hiding at her mother's convent. While there she discovers a side to herself she'd never explored before. It's the crucial turning point in her life when she leaves Eleanor the submissive behind and finds Nora the Dominant. In the second storyline, we follow Kingsley as he goes to Haiti for personal reasons and discovers a beautiful mysterious woman named Juliette. 

I'll be writing 3500 words a day every day this month until the first draft is finished. Then the book will go through ten more drafts, revisions, and rewrites before I turn it into my editor on August 1st. 

I get asked all the time "What are you writing?" Now you know. 


“What on earth are you doing here?” her mother demanded. 

“That nun let me in here behind the door.”

“No, what are you doing here? At the abbey?”

“Oh…long story.”

“Long story?” her mother repeated. “Long story? I haven’t seen or heard from you in two years-”

“You called me a whore, Mom. Did you really think I wanted to keep having that conversation with you?”

Her mother’s spine stiffened visibly.

“That was wrong of me. I was worried about you and I took what I’d learned about you…badly.”

“Is that an apology?”

“It is.”

“I’m sorry too,” Eleanor said, meaning it. Right now she was sorry for everything. 

“Forgive me?”

“Yes. No. Maybe.”

“Maybe?” her mother said. 

“I’ll forgive you for everything you said to me. And if you remember accurately, calling me a ‘whore’ was just the beginning of that discussion.”

“Help you how?” she asked, sounding both concerned and suspicious. 

“I need to stay here for awhile.”

She shook her head.

“No, Ellie. It’s not possible. I don’t know what you’re into or what federal or state agency you’re running from-”

“I’m not running from the cops. I’m twenty-six years-old. I’m not running away from home either. I just need a place to stay for awhile, a safe place.”

“So you didn’t steal any cars this time?”

“No,” she said. “Well, one. But that was more like borrowing. And he’ll get it back.”

“You're my daughter and I love you, but I don’t have time for your games. I have work to do. I have a life here and you’re not a part of it. You can’t be. You can come to mass here at the chapel. We can visit once a week. But this is a sacred place, a sanctuary.”

“I need sanctuary.”

“Why? Because you got arrested again?”

“No, Mom. Because I left him.” 

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